Registration / Login


Registration is standard - fill in the required fields and click "Register". You will receive a confirmation link on the specified e-mail. Follow it to complete the registration.


After confirming the registration, just log in with your e-mail and password.



In the Catalog you can save the standard operations you perform and then use them in the organization of tasks. The created catalog is a powerful tool for fast project generation, performance tracking and feedback analysis.

Common settings - Units

Record the parameters you use as a unit of measure in your activity, such as "kg." , "km." , "hour", etc.

Common settings - Work positions

Register all work positions you have in your company. IMPORTANT! Determine correctly the levels of these positions according to the levels of access you want to have in the mobile system.

Common settings - Work sites

Enter the work sites where you perform activities to use them later.

Common settings - Departments

Enter the departments existing in your company.

Work shifts

Enter the work shifts that exist in your company.

Public holidays

The introduction of public holidays is necessary for the calculation of work schedules and shifts. You can pick up public holidays online, as well as add or remove weekends to the calendar.

Mobile users

Here you will see the list of employees which are registered in the mobile application.


Here you need to enter all your employees that you want to include in the system. Assign each employee their job position, which also determines their level of access to the mobile application. Once you have entered the details of the employee, you will be able to give him an invitation to register from the "Edit" in the mobile application.

Tasks / Projects

Tasks are one of the most important components for the system and for your business. This is where you need to describe in detail everything you need to do task by task. You can divide each task into subtasks and subtasks in unlimited numbers so that you can describe each operation of the task. Thanks to the tree structure for creating of tasks and the unlimited number of subtasks, each project can be described to the smallest detail. When creating tasks, you can use the activities from the Catalog, which will greatly facilitate the process.

Once you define the tasks with their deadlines, all you have to do is to monitor their implementation. To facilitate the implementation of the tasks are colored in different colors and signs in regard to deadline, start, result and etc.

Daily report

The daily report gives you a report of the hours worked for each of your employees. It is generated from the data that the mobile application collects. To do this, simply transfer the mobile records from the big blue button "Transfer all mobile records". This can be done at the beginning of the next working day for the day before or every few days. Or enter and correct the data manualy.


The worksheet is generated based on the daily reports and is used to determine the remuneration of your employees if their remuneration depends on the time worked. You can use filters to generate different types of worksheets.

Performance forecast

Thanks to the information gathered in one place, the customers of the system have a tool for forecasting productivity. It is possible to compare the planned workload with the available workforce. Models can be created to analyze changes in the date, employee movements and analysis of workload. Dates can be optimized so that the customer remains satisfied.